Analytics into 2.0

38 votes

Analytics is such a key tool to scale PI deeper into an organization from my tactical experience as an actual leader driving Talent Optimization.
It's a great way to connect a lot of key optimization approaches that transcend Design, Inspire and Hire tools. As all leadership grows as Talent Optimization Leaders, Analytics supports that process when you look at Factor Combinations, the teams core profile, how expression can be understood and even a specific job profile. Quick adhoc team dynamic situations can be understood when orgs can't afford enough teams in Design or don't have the bandwidth as an org to train or support Design at all levels. Analytics can really drive scalability of the platform and is a great tool for the boots on the ground leaders to use without all the required platform work building a team in Design. It can play a huge part in driving a client to renewals in my opinion.
I would love to demonstrate how I have used Analytics myself tactically.

In Progress 2.0 Inspire + BA Net New Suggested by: Bruce Hawkins Upvoted: 11 Apr Comments: 5

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