2.0 Inspire Ability to Resend Invitations from the Manage Employees page

2 votes

When you invite a large number of employees to Inspire 2.0, some accept and complete the BA, and some do not. You track the status on the Manage Employees tab within Inspire. You see a RP Icon if they've completed the Assessment and an hour-glass if they haven't. Under Inspire access you get "Yes" for accepted and hour-glass for pending.

It would be much easier to reinvite users from here in Inspire. To reinvite someone you have to know who it is you need to reinvite and go to Settings > Employee Directory and reinvite them.

From the Settings area you have to drill into each person to see their level of access. Should also be able to scan access in the Admin area. Not efficient.

In Planning - No Timeline Determined Yet Optimization Suggested by: Rhonda Holloway Upvoted: 15 Mar Comments: 1

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